BRIAN STANLEY: explaining distances in the heavens.
NOT a cloud punctuated the brilliant blue sky all through last Wednesday’s daylight hours. And, as the day dissolved into a brilliant sunset, the heavens remained clear.
Brian Stanley had long planned a meeting at his home to introduce his fellow Palm Beach Rotarians and partners to the joys of bringing the moon and stars a little closer, via telescopes. He was gleeful at the thought of the brilliant time his guests would have, learning about the wonders of the moon through his (and borrowed) telescopes.
ASTRONOMERS: Ileana Soederholm
and boyfriend Dyland Scothorne supplied
and set up a telescope.
Sadly it was not to be.
As the sky darkened, light cloud drifted in over Cockburn Sound, making moon gazing much less detailed than expected. The amateur astronomers were disappointed
but it was still a great evening, with bought in takeaway food, good company. many laughs and Brian and Mavis Stanley’s brilliant back garden as a backdrop. In lieu of moon close ups, Rae Heston gave anyone interested (or polite) close-up pics of her organic pest control — chooks in the back garden, Club president Laurie Smith has since issued “a big thank you to Brian and Mavis for hosting the club. “Thanks also to you, the members, for accurately providing numbers for catering,” he added. “The food, I thought, was excellent even though it only cost members $12 each, so our  club account has gained about $300.” Special thanks were extended to Marilyn Fahie, wife of new member Kevin, for desserts on Wednesday night. “They went over like a treat and many people commented on how tasty they were,” noted president Laurie Smith.